What's the difference between Psylio and LePsy?
We could make a simple, biased comparison between our platform and LePsy, but we won’t. Psylio is a constantly evolving platform (Yes, there are updates every week) and it’s difficult to compare. Instead, we want to help you ask the right questions to meet your needs and allow you to choose the right solution for your practice.
5 tips for choosing the right recordkeeping platform
These are not necessarily found in the guides, standards, requirements, regulations related to recordkeeping, but could be very useful to you!
What are the requirements of your professional order, if any, or current legislation regarding the protection of confidential data?
If you are a member of a professional order, it’s essential to inform yourself about the requirements for digital recordkeeping. This includes, but is not limited to, data retention, where and how data is hosted, data encryption, backups, etc. Also, depending on the nature of your practice, you must also ensure that you comply with the laws in force in your province or country. For example, in Quebec, when it comes to record keeping, it is important to know whether you are governed by the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector or the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information.
Identifying your recordkeeping needs
It’s not always easy to think of everything! That's why we've come up with a few things to reflect on in order to help you find what will best suit your needs. There is no single solution, but you must identify YOUR solution. To do this, we suggest that you take time to clarify your needs.
Customer service
For some, customer service is a key element in choosing a platform. Having access to an available technical team, but also to support at the clinical level can be very interesting considering all the specifics related to the recordkeeping of professionals in a helping relationship. We recommend that you check what’s included in the customer service of the platform you are interested in to ensure that your needs are met. A good way to do this might be to use the free trial period to test not only the features, but also the customer service to make sure the experience is enjoyable and meets your needs!
Your budget and the various plans proposed
While a recordkeeping platform is an eligible expense for self-employed individuals, it’s important to identify your available budget and to have a clear idea of what’s included in the pricing; features, updates, access to support, number of files, etc.
Cancellation policy, privacy policy, duration of the service contract and recovery of your data if necessary
On parle ici de s’attarder aux aspects juridiques plus particulièrement afin de s’assurer de ne pas avoir de mauvaises surprises. N’hésitez pas à vous entourer des bonnes personnes au besoin!
- a ) Do you have to sign a fixed-term contract or are you free to terminate it at any time?
- b ) Are there any fees if you terminate the contract?
- c ) What happens to your data if you decide to stop practicing or change your recordkeeping format or platform? Are they easily exportable? In what format?
- d ) Are your files easily transferable to your transferee if needed?
- e ) Will you or your transferee still have to pay for your platform to continue to have access to your records?
Obviously, it’s possible that the available platforms don’t meet your ideal 100%. That's when it's important to prioritize what’s most important to you and choose the platform that will offer you the highest level of satisfaction!